Take Action
You have the power to bring change to your community and rename a city street for John the Baptist. Sign our your local petition to bring John the Baptist Boulevard to communities all across the country. If there is not already a petition for your community, start one today!
Build awareness across the country and bring a John the Baptist Boulevard to every state.
Bring John the Baptist Boulevard to Your City
Choose a Street
Identify a street in your area to rename. Try to choose a street with a generic name that is not already named in someone’s honor. You may also be able to find a street that the community is already looking to rename. We recommend streets near or leading to a body of water.
Start a Local Petition
Create a petition identifying the street you want to rename and your reason why. Reach out to friends and neighbors and ask them to sign your petition. Keep in mind, most cities require a certain percentage of residents or property owners to sign a petition to rename a street. We recommend sharing your petition on Nextdoor.com if it is available in your area.
Contact Local Leaders
Contact your Mayor, Town Council or other local governing body. Try to obtain community support and bring a signed petition to these local leaders. Even if you are not sure you have enough local signatures, be sure to reach out to your local community leaders. They may be able to assist you with your efforts.
Community Resources
Join the movement and take action. To help you get started, we’ve prepared a variety of Community Resources. These materials are designed to be a starting place for a movement in your city. Downloadable letters and sample petitions can be customized and tailored as needed to address your community.
Start a Petition
Using Change.org is a free and easy way to start your petition. Be sure to include specifics that speak to your community.
Share on Social Media
Get the work out on Facebook and other social media sites. Encourage friends, family and neighbors to share your petition.
Write to Your Mayor
Depending on where you live, contacting local leadership may be all you need to do to rename a street. Even if you need a petition for support, it is best to be in contact with your local leadership to get them on board with your plan.
Involve Your HOA
If your Homeowners Association is on board with the proposed name change, they may be able to help you obtain signatures from other residents.
Contact Your Congressman
Reach out to your Congressman or Congresswoman. Tell them why you want to rename a street in honor of John the Baptist. Ask them to support your cause.
Contact Your Senator
While renaming a street is a local matter,it never hurts to have your State Senator champion your cause. Reach out to their office, inform them of you plans and ask for their support.